नेपालको शिक्षा क्षेत्रमा माध्यमिक तहको परीक्षा, खारेजीको बहस र यसले पार्ने दुरगामी प्रभाव नेपालको शिक्षा प्रणालीमा परिवर्तन र सुधारको आवश्यकता लामो समयदेखि रहेको छ। विशेष गरी माध्यमिक तहको परीक्षा प्रणाली र यसको खारेजीको बहस नेपाली शिक्षा क्षेत्रमा विशेष ध्यानाकर्षणको विषय बनेको छ। यस लेखमा, हामी नेपालका माध्यमिक तहका परीक्षाको खारेजीको विषयलाई गहिरो अध्ययन गर्दै यसका सम्भावित दुरगामी प्रभावहरूको विश्लेषण गर्ने छौँ। १. नेपालका माध्यमिक तहका परीक्षा प्रणालीको इतिहास र स्थिति नेपालमा माध्यमिक तहको शिक्षा प्रायः कक्षा ९ र कक्षा १० को स्तरमा पढाइन्छ। यिनको आधारमा वर्षेनी हुने परीक्षा नै "एसएलसी" (School Leaving Certificate) वा "एसईई" (Secondary Education Examination)…
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CES-Connecting Culture for Global Citizens’
Narayan Prasad Sapkota Fellow Researcher, TATA institute of social sciences, Mumbai The term, Global Citizenship, is an idea that can be traced back to Ancient Greece when Socrates (469-399BC) said he was not an Athenian nor a Greek but a citizen of the world. Now question arises Who is a global citizen? A global citizen is one who is aware that he has a national citizenship and responsibilities in his country of birth, but chooses to place his identity with a global community, by participating in its issues, challenges, and problems through interactions with…
The Stranger in the Lifeboat © Mitch Albom

Renowned American author, journalist, broadcaster, musician, screenwriter, and playwright, Mitchell Albom, was born on 23rd May 1958, whose books have sold more than forty million copies and have been translated multilingual forms globally. The author is highly recognized for serving up the superficial spirituality in the motivational bookforms like Tuesdays with Morrie, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, For One More Day, Have a Little Faith, The First Phone Call from Heaven, The Next Person You Meet in Heaven, et cetera. He is the awardee of the 2010 Red Smith Award as well. The Stranger in the…
The Digital World: Where are we heading to?

Digital 2022: Global Overview – a report released early this year reveals that the world’s population stands at 7.91 billion in January 2022 and 67.10 percent of them use a mobile phone. Furthermore, there are 4.62 billion social media users around the world. The research data depicts a digital world is an inevitable phenomenon. It is not an exaggeration to say that the study of computation, automation or the field of computer science is at the heart of a digitally dominated world. It has advanced significantly as we witness that the world is changing more and more towards…
Adventures of a Nepali Frog

Kanak Mani Dixit, an illustrious writer, human rights defender, and the founding editor of the magazine Himal Southasian, has captivated Nepali reading sphere with amazing children’s stories. The winner of the Sajha Bal Sahitya Award in 1997, Dixit authored a book in Nepali, Dhumdhamko Ghumgham, and its English version Adventures of a Nepali Frog is equally entertaining. The book brings a fresh take on Nepalese literature and is sure to be cherished by the travel and book-loving diaspora all over the world. An enigmatic frog with an eclectic dream travels around the entire country. Kanak Mani Dixit tells…
A Diary of an Exchange Student

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” I was one of the lucky students who had the chance to participate in an international student exchange programme, an initiative of St. Xavier’s College. The aim of this program was to broaden the cultural spectrum of the students. In the present where globalization is the new trend, being familiar with other’s culture comes in handy, especially if the culture and society in question is that of our neighboring country, India. This initiative was meant to narrow the cultural gap. Additionally, it also…