*प्रेस विज्ञप्ति* *कार्तिक २२, २०८१*क्वेष्ट नेपालद्वारा आयोजित "बिद्यार्थी गुणीय चक्रको १८औं राष्ट्रिय सम्मेलन" काठमाण्डौ स्थित ब्राइट फ्युचर माबि मा आगामी २०८१ कार्तिक २४, २५ र २६ गते आयोजना हुँदैछ। यस सम्मेलनले नेपालको शिक्षा क्षेत्रमा गुणस्तरीय परिवर्तन ल्याउने उद्देश्य राख्दछ, र यसले सम्पूर्ण देशका उत्कृष्ट बिद्यार्थीहरूलाई एकजुट गरि उनीहरूको समग्र विकासमा योगदान पुर्याउनेछ। सम्मेलनको उद्घाटन समारोहमा प्रमुख अतिथिहरूको रुपमा क्वेष्ट नेपालका प्रमुख आदर्श व्यक्तित्व, प्रोफेसर डा. दिनेश प्रसाद चापागाई र पूर्व शिक्षा, विज्ञान तथा प्रविधि मन्त्री तथा संघीय सांसद (काठमाण्डौ क्षेत्र नं ९) माननीय कृष्ण गोपाल श्रेष्ठले संयुक्त रूपमा उद्घाटन गर्नेछन्। यस अवसरमा उहाँहरूले कार्यक्रमको महत्त्व र यसको प्रभावलाई…
QUEST- Nepal ले विद्यार्थी गुणीय चक्रको १८ औँ सम्मेलन काठमाण्डौमा गर्दै !
हेर्नुहोस् विष्तृत चित्रमा !
Nurturing 21st Century Skills through Students’ Quality Circle (SQC) Movement in Nepal
Narayan Prasad Sapkota, Executive Member, QUEST-Nepal ( Director, Public relation) In today’s rapidly changing world, education systems must equip students not only with academic knowledge but also with skills that help them thrive in the 21st century. These skills include critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, problem-solving, and leadership. In Nepal, one of the significant movements that foster these skills is the Students' Quality Circle (SQC). This movement has been playing a crucial role in nurturing holistic development among students by promoting teamwork, accountability, and innovation. What is Students' Quality Circle (SQC)? The concept of Quality Circles (QCs) originated…
Importance of Implementing Students’ Quality Circles Program in Schools of Nepal
The implementation of the Students' Quality Circles (SQC) program in Nepalese schools is a transformative educational initiative that aims to foster holistic development in students. Originating from Japan's industrial sector, the SQC model has been adapted for educational contexts to cultivate leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving skills among students. This article explores the significance of SQC in Nepal's academic landscape, its benefits, and its potential impact on students and society. Overview of Students' Quality Circles Students' Quality Circles are collaborative groups formed by students to identify, analyze, and solve problems within their educational environment. The program encourages participation from students in grades…
A Review on the Students’ Quality Circle (SQC) Program Launched by QUEST-Nepal
Narayan Prasad Sapkota, Executive member, QUEST-Nepal Entry words In the landscape of educational reforms, the Students' Quality Circle (SQC) program stands out as a pioneering initiative in Nepal, launched by QUEST-Nepal in 1999. Designed to integrate the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM) into the learning environment, the SQC program empowers students to address and solve real-world problems using systematic approaches. Over the years, this program has not only transformed the way students engage with their education but has also established a culture of continuous improvement in schools across Nepal. Origin and Objectives of the SQC Program The…
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Inclusive Education: A Pathway to Equity in Learning
Narayan Prasad Sapkota Introduction In today's increasingly diverse classrooms, the goal of providing quality education for all students, regardless of their backgrounds or abilities, has become a significant challenge. To address this, two powerful frameworks—Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Inclusive Education—have emerged as essential approaches to ensuring that every student has access to meaningful learning experiences. These approaches not only seek to remove barriers to learning but also aim to embrace the diversity of learners and create equitable opportunities for all. This article will explore the key concepts, principles, and benefits of UDL and Inclusive Education, as…
Challenges of Teaching Science in Private Schools of Nepal: An Action Research
Narayan Prasad Sapkota, Fellow researcher, TISS Abstract This action research investigates the challenges of teaching science in private schools in Nepal. Using a mixed-methods approach, the study identifies key obstacles faced by science teachers, including inadequate resources, insufficient professional development, and low student engagement. The findings highlight the need for strategic interventions to improve science education quality. Introduction Science education is fundamental to developing a nation's scientific literacy and innovation. Despite the higher fees and perceived better quality of private schools in Nepal, these institutions face significant challenges in teaching science effectively. This study aims to identify these…
Students’ Quality Circle

5W-1 H on 21st century Learning Skills
Narayan Prasad Sapkota Master Trainer, QUEST –Nepal It’s very sad to say that in Nepal we are teaching the 19th century curriculum with teachers of 20th century to the children of 21st century. Now question comes what are 21st century learning skills and how should impart to our young learning kids?. A 21st century education is about giving students the skills they need to succeed in this new world, and helping them grows the confidence to practice those skills. Creativity Critical thinking Communication Collaboration These four themes are not to be understood as units or…